Bopomofo Symbol

Unlock the beauty of Mandarin phonetics with Bopomofo Symbols! Explore a unique script that represents the sounds of Mandarin Chinese. From initial consonants to final sounds, these symbols provide a visual guide for accurate pronunciation, making learning Mandarin a seamless and enjoyable experience.


Bopomofo Letter B
Bopomofo Letter Bu
Bopomofo Final Letter P
Bopomofo Letter P
Bopomofo Letter M
Bopomofo Letter Im
Bopomofo Letter F
Bopomofo Letter V
Bopomofo Letter D
Bopomofo Final Letter T
Bopomofo Letter T
Bopomofo Letter N
Bopomofo Letter L
Bopomofo Letter G
Bopomofo Letter Gu
Bopomofo Final Letter K
Bopomofo Letter K
Bopomofo Letter Ng
Bopomofo Letter Ngg
Bopomofo Final Letter H
Bopomofo Letter H
Bopomofo Letter J
Bopomofo Letter Ji
Bopomofo Letter Q
Bopomofo Letter X
Bopomofo Letter Gn
Bopomofo Letter Zh
Bopomofo Letter Ch
Bopomofo Letter Sh
Bopomofo Letter R
Bopomofo Letter Z
Bopomofo Letter Zi
Bopomofo Letter C
Bopomofo Letter S
Bopomofo Letter A
Bopomofo Letter Ann
Bopomofo Letter O
Bopomofo Letter Onn
Bopomofo Letter Oo
Bopomofo Letter E
Bopomofo Letter Eh
Bopomofo Letter Ee
Bopomofo Letter Enn
Bopomofo Letter Ai
Bopomofo Letter Ainn
Bopomofo Letter Ei
Bopomofo Letter Au
Bopomofo Letter Aunn
Bopomofo Letter Ou
Bopomofo Letter An
Bopomofo Letter En
Bopomofo Letter Ang
Bopomofo Letter Ong
Bopomofo Letter Eng
Bopomofo Letter Am
Bopomofo Letter Om
Bopomofo Letter Er
Bopomofo Letter I
Bopomofo Letter Inn
Bopomofo Letter Innn
Bopomofo Letter U
Bopomofo Letter Unn
Bopomofo Letter Ir
Bopomofo Letter Iu

Phonetic Precision

Bopomofo Symbols serve as a highly precise phonetic system for Mandarin Chinese, representing each sound with distinct characters, aiding learners in achieving accurate pronunciation and tonal nuances.

Script Simplicity

Bopomofo's straightforward script simplifies the process of learning Mandarin pronunciation, making it an accessible tool for beginners and a valuable resource for those looking to refine their language skills.

Tonal Representation

Bopomofo uniquely represents the four tones of Mandarin, providing a visual cue for learners to grasp and apply tonal distinctions, a crucial aspect of mastering Mandarin pronunciation.

Integration with Chinese Characters

Bopomofo is often used alongside Chinese characters, facilitating a seamless connection between pronunciation and written language, aiding learners in building a comprehensive understanding of Mandarin.

Educational Aid

Bopomofo Symbols serve as a fundamental educational aid, particularly in Taiwanese education, offering a standardized system for Mandarin pronunciation instruction, contributing to effective language learning and communication.