
使用比较符号提高比较精度!探索各种表达关系、差异和相似性的符号集合。从 "大于 "符号到 "等于 "符号,这些符号让您的比较更加清晰。使用 "比较符号 "的微妙语言,提升您的视觉交流效果。


Less-than Sign
Greater-than Sign
Less-than With Dot
Greater-than With Dot
Very Much Less-than
Very Much Greater-than
Less-than or Equal To
Greater-than or Equal To
Equal to or Less-than
Equal to or Greater-than
Less-than Over Equal To
Greater-than Over Equal To
Less-than but Not Equivalent To
Greater-than but Not Equivalent To
Less-than but Not Equal To
Greater-than but Not Equal To
Less-than Equal to or Greater-than
Greater-than Equal to or Less-than
Normal Subgroup Of
Contains as Normal Subgroup
Normal Subgroup of or Equal To
Contains as Normal Subgroup or Equal To
Not Normal Subgroup Of
Does Not Contain as Normal Subgroup
Not Normal Subgroup of or Equal To
Does Not Contain as Normal Subgroup or Equal
Precedes Under Relation
Succeeds Under Relation
Equal to or Precedes
Equal to or Succeeds
Precedes but Not Equivalent To
Succeeds but Not Equivalent To
Does Not Precede or Equal
Does Not Succeed or Equal
Square Image of or Not Equal To
Square Original of or Not Equal To
Not Square Image of or Equal To
Not Square Original of or Equal To
Equals Sign
Not Equal To
Minus Tilde
Asymptotically Equal To
Not Asymptotically Equal To
Approximately Equal To
Neither Approximately nor Actually Equal To
Approximately but Not Actually Equal To
Almost Equal To
Not Almost Equal To
Almost Equal or Equal To
Triple Tilde
All Equal To
Equivalent To
Geometrically Equivalent To
Difference Between
Approaches the Limit
Geometrically Equal To
Approximately Equal to or the Image Of
Image of or Approximately Equal To
Colon Equals
Equals Colon
Ring in Equal To
Ring Equal To
Corresponds To
Equiangular To
Star Equals
Delta Equal To
Equal to by Definition
Measured By
Questioned Equal To
Identical To
Not Identical To
Strictly Equivalent To
Equal and Parallel To
Double Subset
Double Superset
Element of With Long Horizontal Stroke
Element of With Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke
Small Element of With Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke
Element of With Dot Above
Element of With Overbar
Small Element of With Overbar
Element of With Underbar
Element of With Two Horizontal Strokes
Contains With Long Horizontal Stroke
Contains With Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke
Small Contains With Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke
Contains With Overbar
Small Contains With Overbar
Z Notation Bag Membership


比较符号为用户提供了一组清晰的符号,如大于 (>)、小于 (<) 和等于 (=),有助于精确表示内容中的关系、差异和相似性。







